14 research outputs found

    A Product Oriented Modelling Concept: Holons for systems synchronisation and interoperability

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    Nowadays, enterprises are confronted to growing needs for traceability, product genealogy and product life cycle management. To meet those needs, the enterprise and applications in the enterprise environment have to manage flows of information that relate to flows of material and that are managed in shop floor level. Nevertheless, throughout product lifecycle coordination needs to be established between reality in the physical world (physical view) and the virtual world handled by manufacturing information systems (informational view). This paper presents the "Holon" modelling concept as a means for the synchronisation of both physical view and informational views. Afterwards, we show how the concept of holon can play a major role in ensuring interoperability in the enterprise context

    Bio-expert : Knowledge Management Platform and Experiment for Bio-Medical e-Learning

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audiencebio-expert project has been launched to cover user needs in terms of access to high level knowledge content with a user friendly interface tool. The problematic raised here concerns not only imaging technologies, knowledge management system and interfaces but also the organisation of the content allowing an easy access of the repository to the community of biologists

    Apport de l'approche MDA pour une interopérabilité sémantique : Interopérabilité des systèmes d'information d'entreprise

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    National audienceIn the last few years, many works have been done in order to ensure interoperability between applications. Enterprise applications integration and the opening of information systems towards integrated access have been the main motivation for the interest around systems interoperability. In this Paper, an MDA based approach for interoperability is proposed. The MDA is an approach for systems development, which increases the power of models in that work. It provides a means for using models for better understanding, designing, constructing, deploying, operating, maintaining and modifying systems. The three primary goals of MDA are portability, interoperability and reusability. In this paper we apply the MDA as a formal base that supports our approach for interoperability between different information system

    INTEROPERABILITE DIRIGEE PAR LES MODELES :<br />Une Approche Orientée Produit pour l'interopérabilité des<br />systèmes d'entreprise.

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    The work presented in my thesis proposes a product oriented approach for interoperability of enterprise systems. This approach aims at ensuring consistency between product representations in a specific manufacturing environment and the physical reality of the product. The main result of this work is a model driven approach for interoperability based on a generic meta-model that defines all concepts used for representing the product. A formalisation of model driven mappings for semantic interoperability has also been proposed.In this thesis, a reference meta-model has been defined, to enable exchange between different applications. This meta-model defines the set of modelling constructs and relationships mandatory to build a generic representation of the product in the enterprise. In our modelling approach, the product is considered as the combination of a physical part and an informational part. The purpose of product oriented interoperability is, on one hand, to define mechanisms to maintain consistency between this representation and the reality of the product, and on the other hand to make sure that all applications share the representation of the same product.To validate our approach, a case study has been performed in a real enterprise. The aim of this case study was to define a specific representation for the product of the enterprise to ensure traceability of products from the reception of customer orders to the delivery of products. This case study is a part of a bigger project attempting to build a traceability management system inside the host enterprise. This case study enables us to apply our modelling approach in realistic conditions, and permits the engineering of a database schema that is to be used in the development of the traceability management system.Les travaux de la thèse présentent une approche pour l'interopérabilité entre les différentsmodèles de produit, nous appellerons cette approche « l'interopérabilité orientée produit ».Nous proposons ainsi un meta-modèle dont les instances jouent le rôle de passerelle decommunication entre différentes applications d'entreprise pour assurer l'interopérabilité desparties de systèmes concernant le produit.Nous nous sommes intéressés à formaliser un meta-modèle pour la définition du concept deproduit comme l'agrégation d'une partie physique représentant les éléments physiques duproduit et une partie informationnelle reprenant les éléments informationnels décrivant leproduit.L'outillage et le prototypage du concept de produit holonique lors de la modélisation duprocessus de fabrication dans l'entreprise ainsi que la prise en charge des mapping pourl'interopérabilité s'appuient sur l'intégration du meta-modèle holonique dans unenvironnement de modélisation d'entreprise particulier.La phase de validation a été réalisée en deux parties représentées chacune par une applicationindustrielle. La première application se situe dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec ledépartement meunerie dans un grand groupe industriel, pour une application enenvironnement réel de la modélisation holonique. L'objectif de cette application est deconcevoir un système de traçabilité pour les différents produits par les moulins du groupe.Notre participation dans ce projet, a consisté en l'application de l'approche de modélisationholonique pour la spécification, a priori, de l'ensemble des données et informations relativesaux produits devant être prises en compte dans le système de traçabilité, et ainsi de générer demanière automatique le schéma de données préliminaire du système. La seconde applicationconcerne la mise en œuvre de l'approche holonique pour une solution d'interopérabilitéorienté produit dans le cadre du pôle AIP Lorrain (AIPL)

    Bio-expert : Knowledge Management Platform and Experiment for Bio-Medical e-Learning

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audiencebio-expert project has been launched to cover user needs in terms of access to high level knowledge content with a user friendly interface tool. The problematic raised here concerns not only imaging technologies, knowledge management system and interfaces but also the organisation of the content allowing an easy access of the repository to the community of biologists

    Interopérabilité dirigée par les modèles (une Approche Orientée Produit pour l'interopérabilité des systèmes d'entreprise)

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    L intégration des systèmes consiste à assembler les différentes parties d un système tout en assurant la compatibilité de l assemblage ainsi que le bon fonctionnement du système complet. Dans ce cadre, l interopérabilité des systèmes est un moyen pour obtenir l intégration fondée sur un couplage faible des parties du système, basé sur la capacité des parties à des parties à communiquer entre elles pour accéder et faire appel à leur fonctionnalités. Plus récemment, une nouvelle approche d ingénierie logicielle a été élaborée l ingénierie dirigée par les modèles . Dans cette nouvelle approche les modèles occupent une place de premier plan parmi les artefacts d ingénierie des systèmes. La thèse s inscrit dans l intersection de ces deux domaines de recherche. Dans ce contexte, les travaux de la thèse présentent une approche pour l interopérabilité entre systèmes d entreprise dite l interopérabilité orientée produit ; basée sur les échanges d informations relatives au produit bien et service entre les différents modèles et représentation de ce produit dans chacun des systèmes.Nous proposons ainsi un meta-modèle dont les instances jouent le rôle de modèles pivot pour la communication entre différentes applications d'entreprise et ceci dans le but d assurer l'interopérabilité des parties de systèmes concernant le produit. Pour la formalisation de ce meta-modèle, notre approche s'est inspirée sur l ontologie BWW (Bunge - Wand - Weber) permettant la construction de représentations génériques et complètes des objets du monde réel tels que les perçoivent les systèmes d information.Systems integration aims at assembling several systems in order to build a unique system working and reacting as a whole. In this context, systems interoperability can be seen as a means to obtain integration based on a light coupling of sub-parts of the system. Recently, a new approach of systems development based on modelling techniques has been founded. This approach is called Model driven engineering , in this approach models play a key role in systems engineering and development. This Phd thesis presents a product oriented approach for interoperability to ensure data and schema consistency between all product representations in a production. The aim of product oriented interoperability is, on one hand, to define mechanisms to maintain consistency between this representation and the reality of the product, and on the other hand to make sure that all applications share the image (representation) of the same product. Our result is a model driven approach based on a generic meta-model that defines all concepts used for representing the product. To enable data exchange between different applications, a formalisation of model driven mappings for semantic interoperability has also been proposed. To achieve our goal we focus on the formalisation of a unified product representation inside enterprise information systems. This unified representation has been inspired from the well know BWW ontology (Bunge - Wand - Weber) that is widely used for real world objects representation for information systems design. In this thesis, a reference meta-model has been defined, to enable structured data exchange between different applications.NANCY1-SCD Sciences & Techniques (545782101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Adapting HPM to B2M interoperability issues: Towards Interoperability between Business Management Level and Shop Floor Level

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    Abstract. Enterprise-control system integration between business systems, workflow systems, manufacturing execution systems and shop-floor processcontrol systems remains a key issue for facilitating the deployment of plantwide information-control systems. Since years, increasing flexibility and efficiency of their systems has been the new challenge for modern manufacturing enterprises. Business process modelling aims at specifying objects flows and processes inside enterprise levels and among networked enterprises. However, the increased complexity of these models does not help at ensuring coherent relationships between its components. Moreover, when modelling different flows could handle different views of the same objects, thus coherence have to be maintained during the whole manufacturing process. In this paper, we show how Holonic Process Models (HPM) could be adapted for Business to Manufacturing (B2M) interoperability by applying the concept of Holon. We define a Holon oriented approach and design principles for specifying and building HPMs, in the specific domain of manufacturing systems. This approach aims at increasing model abstraction in order to simplify its initial comprehensiveness and ensure coherence between different views of manipulated objects. For reusability’s sake, we propose a possible interconnection of the proposed Holon model in existing enterprise models. This integration enables exchanging data between the holon based models and other existing models

    Adapting HPM to B2M interoperability issues: Towards Interoperability between Business Management Level and Shop Floor Level

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    Enterprise-control system integration between business systems, workflow systems, manufacturing execution systems and shop-floor processcontrol systems remains a key issue for facilitating the deployment of plantwide information-control systems. Since years, increasing flexibility and efficiency of their systems has been the new challenge for modern manufacturing enterprises. Business process modelling aims at specifying objects flows and processes inside enterprise levels and among networked enterprises. However, the increased complexity of these models does not help at ensuring coherent relationships between its components. Moreover, when modelling different flows could handle different views of the same objects, thus coherence have to be maintained during the whole manufacturing process. In this paper, we show how Holonic Process Models (HPM) could be adapted for Business to Manufacturing (B2M) interoperability by applying the concept of Holon. We define a Holon oriented approach and design principles for specifying and building HPMs, in the specific domain of manufacturing systems. This approach aims at increasing model abstraction in order to simplify its initial comprehensiveness and ensure coherence between different views of manipulated objects. For reusability's sake, we propose a possible interconnection of the proposed Holon model in existing enterprise models. This integration enables exchanging data between the holon based models and other existing models

    Traceability and management of dispersed product knowledge during design and manufacturing

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    50 pagesInternational audienceProduct development processes comprise highly creative and knowledge-intensive tasks that involve extensive information exchange and communication among geographically distributed teams. Due to the geographical and institutional separation between the different systems involved in the product lifecycle, retrieving, sharing and exchanging product knowledge is becoming a key issue in information systems of extended enterprise. This paper addresses the issue and challenges of product knowledge traceability during the product development. The aim of this research effort is to enhance the exchange and use of product knowledge acquired during the development process. In order to satisfy the needs for acquisition and reuse of product knowledge, a product knowledge representation framework is proposed. Key elements to support traceability during product development process are identified. The key idea behind this research effort is based on the premises that an important step towards achieving product knowledge sharing is providing traceability across various product knowledge elements that are used in product development phases, i.e. design and manufacturing. Two complementary case studies illustrating the benefit of traceability are presented. The potential role of traceability is described, first to support the decision making process during engineering change management, and second to support product oriented modelling for knowledge sharing and exchanging to meet quality requirements